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August 25, 2011

Jazz Without Borders

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Recordings and Arrangements

Create An Account

The Easy Way.

All you have to do is send us an e-mail with the following information:

1. Your Name
2. Your School or Organization
3. Your Mailing Address
4. The E-mail that you would like us to use to contact you.
5. The types of ensembles you conduct and/or are interested in.

And that's it. We will send you a monthly newsletter with information about new music available at Jazz Without Borders, new writers, or exciting new opportunities and activities in The jLife.


Send that information here.

What You'll find At Jazz Without Borders

Just look at the nav bar right under our logo. It is full of green buttons, each of which will guide you to an exciting aspect of Jazz Without Borders. Here's a rundown of what you'll find.

Jazz Without Borders offers music educators and other ensemble directors a place to find fresh, new, exciting music for your performing groups. Simply use the list at far left to discover the great music we have to offer for all types of ensembes in various exiting and relevant genres.

Our Artists
Naturally, bringing a collection of great music like this together requires the contribution of an equally impressive group of musical artists. Get to know them here. Get all the news about their latest projects and performances.

The jLife
So what is it like to live a "Jazz Lifestyle"? The jLife will fill you in on what makes you and the people like you special. You'll learn about festivals and tours, clinics, camps, and cruises. See what other exceptional people do to enjoy their lives and satisfy their superb taste in music, and in life.

Jazz Without Borders Is Seeking Composers, Arrangers

Jazz Without Borders is regularly seeking new artists and composers eager to try a new way to get their work out into the world.

If you are an arranger/composer with something new and fresh to say and not currently under exclusive  agreement with another publisher, Jazz Without Borders would like to invite you to sell your charts here!

Go here for more information.

Copyright 2011 Jazz Without Borders