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February 16, 2016

Jazz Without Borders    Recordings

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Recordings and Arrangements

JAZZ, Big Band

JAZZ, Fusion Ensembles

JAZZ, Small Swing Bands and Combos




Many of the arrangements on Jazz Without Borders feature demo recordings. Some of these are  professional studio recordings, others are read-throughs simply recorded with whatever technoogy was at hand.

When there is a chance to offer the albums where these recordings are found, we will do that here.
Solución CD cover

Busca La Solución

By La Solución Latina


Ten hot salsa and merengue dance hits, including original music by members of the band. Two of the tunes are by Jazz Without Borders's own Eddie Carr, the title tune, "Busca La Solucion (Find The Solution)," and Yo Sueño Contigo (I Dream Of You)."

Copyright 2011 Jazz Without Borders